A Somatic practice includes the wholeness of your lived experience, including the integration of body, mind, energy and emotions. Somatic practices are rooted in self-referenced knowing and foster respect for your own sense of meaning and story. A somatic approach teaches you how to practice self-care, and gain direct access to cultivating more wellbeing. Learn more about somatics with our newsletter, workshops and trainings.

What I Do
Getting unstuck is the beginning of movement, and with movement comes healing. I offer private sessions in-person or by phone. Services include counselling, body-work, movement therapy and classes and workshops.

About Me
Hello, I’m Naomi Sparrow. I am a Somatic Movement Therapist, Qigong Teacher, artist and healer. I’m a Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering and an Infant Movement Developmental Educator, certified through the School for Body-Mind Centering. For over 20 years, I’ve been helping clients heal and live more grounded and expressive lives.